Everyone Can Lead™

"Simple ideas for extra ordinary results"

Personal and Interpersonal Leadership System for Lasting Results

For centuries, the question has been asked whether people are born leaders or if they can be taught or trained to become one. Some organizations and authors would have us believe that you either have the DNA to be a leader or you don’t; however other organizations believe that with the right training, tools, and perspective anyone can be a leader .

The key question is what can we do if we want to become effective leaders – leaders whom others willingly follow and just as importantly, leaders who can drive results.

Everyone can lead

Common sense is not necessarily common practice. There are hundreds of leadership competencies out there, but where to begin, to become an effective leader? One of our basic tenets under Blaze Performance Solutions is that everyone is a leader.

What an aspiring or even an experienced leader needs is the How-To-Manual, a handbook with practical and tactical ideas that everyone, especially new leaders, frontline managers, and supervisors could put to use almost immediately.

In Everyone Can Lead™ we focus on the three areas of improvement for every leader.
  1. Who are you as an individual?
  2. How do you lead?
  3. Do you drive results?
Everyone Can Lead™ addresses the important foundational aspect of leadership, that is position authority versus moral authority. Position authority is the authority and responsibility derived from holding a particular position and role. Position authority – over time can creat disengagement between the leader and the team members. On the other hand, those leaders who consciously work on moral authority find that engagement grows over time and increases their ability to positively impact and lead those around them. Everyone Can Lead™ helps leaders to build character and competence pragmatically.